Pyper McLarnon

The following are the main services we provide:
Structural Engineering for Domestic Projects
Design of structural elements for extensions and alterations including foundations, floor slabs
Design of support steelwork for the removal of internal load bearing walls.
Design of remedial measures for items such as walls, purlins, etc.
Structural design of new build dwellings.
Structural Reports

Structural reports on dwellings as required for mortgage purposes.
Reports on dwellings and other buildings following concerns raised by owners, occupiers, tennants, etc.
Reports on buildings, retaining structures and other structures as required for insurance and legal purposes.
Structural Engineering Projects
Structural Engineering services for projects including alterations, extensions and new builds for commercial, industrial & HMO's
Structural design of steel and/or concrete framed buildings.
Structural design using load bearing masonry.
Structural design of foundations including pad and strip foundations, and piled foundations.
Structural design of suspended and ground bearing floors including reinforced concrete and timber floors.
Civil Engineering Projects

Design of Retaining walls including for Technical Approval of Highway Structures (TAHS)
Design of storm and foul sewers
Carpark, service yard and access road designs
Vehicle tracking around site roads and yards
Agricultural Projects
Slurry tanks
Digestor bases
Pig and cattle houses
DAERA and NIEA sign offs and approvals